Climate solutions

Carbon capture
and storage

Providing industry solutions needed to help reduce
emissions during the energy transition



We’re a global leader in carbon capture and storage

What is carbon capture and storage (CCS)? It’s capturing CO2 that otherwise would be released into the atmosphere, and injecting it into geologic formations deep underground for safe, secure and permanent storage. It’s a readily available technology that can significantly reduce emissions from sectors like refining, chemicals, cement, steel and power generation.

ExxonMobil is a global leader in CCS – a position further enhanced by our acquisition of Denbury Inc.

Our carbon capture and storage network just got a lot bigger

With our acquisition of Denbury Inc., ExxonMobil has significantly expanded our carbon capture and storage (CCS) network in the U.S. – giving us even more options to economically reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions for key U.S. industries. Our combined assets now include:

  • More than 1,500 miles of CO2 pipeline owned and operated – largest network in the U.S.
  • Access to more than 15 onshore sites for CO2 storage
  • The potential to reduce CO2 emissions by > 100 million metric tons a year
Read the press release to learn more about the Denbury acquisition

Critical technology

The International Energy Agency calls carbon capture and storage one of the critical technologies required to achieve net-zero emissions and the climate goals outlined in the Paris Agreement. 

In the field

We have cumulatively captured more CO2 than any other company – 120 million metric tons – accounting for approximately 40 percent of all the anthropogenic CO2 that has ever been captured.

 "With our demonstrated leadership in carbon capture and emissions reduction technologies, ExxonMobil is committed to meeting the demand for affordable energy while reducing emissions and managing the risks of climate change."

Darren Woods
CEO, ExxonMobil

Low Carbon Solutions

Low Carbon Solutions is helping to lower emissions by providing solutions to our industrial and commercial customers in growing markets for carbon capture and storage, hydrogen and lower emission fuels.